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Envision This

By Victoria Reeb, 02/22/14, 2:30PM PST


Envision this: You on top of a snow-capped mountain, arms stretched out and high, head thrown back in jaw-dropping awe. Perhaps that is actually your goal–to climb a mountain. Or maybe you have other goals, like scoring a hat trick? Or training your dog to sit? Or passing Algebra? Have you ever given it much thought? Or are you like many people who are too busy living their lives to think much about steering their lives?

An easy tool that can help you get clear about your goals is a vision board. To start, you’ll need a bulletin board and tacks, or even just a big sheet of paper or card stock, scissors and glue. Then, you need to pay attention.

Observe what “grabs” you. Do you find yourself glued to the TV when Olympic figure skating pairs are on? (Yes, I know you play hockey; stay with me.)

Do you get sucked into YouTube videos of motocross riders catching air?

The point is to find out what intrigues you. As ideas bubble to the surface of your consciousness, find images on Google, print them and slap them on your board.  Magazines are a common way to find pictures  for vision boards. Just be aware of what appeals to you and don’t judge it. Maybe you enjoy watching figure skating pairs because the costumes are pretty or the moves are graceful. Doesn’t matter. It just matters that the image appeals to you. And when you have your board filled with images of what appeals to you, cool things can happen. More about that in a moment.

Your board should be a reflection of what speaks to you.  You might choose images of arctic foxes, bubble tea, a canoe, a poem you wrote in second grade, a lemon tree and a blue 12 flag. Some of you have Kelly Stephens’ autograph. Is there a place on your vision board for that?

It’s not a project to devote an hour to and be done, though. Hang your board somewhere and add to it over time as you collect images. The meaning of each image has a connection to your subconscious and if you just go about your business, while being mindful of opportunities to act, you will be guided toward ways to create a more meaningful life. Manifesting positive experiences can lead to successful dog training, doing well in school and getting pucks in the net. Why not give it a try and find out?

Three images or a dozen, what will you want on your board?